International Women’s Day


A global day of celebration, March 8th is a day on which thousands of events are held throughout the world connecting all women around the world to recognize their accomplishments and to inspire them to achieve their full potential. IWD is certainly a good thing, but I think it’s interesting that while the world sets aside a meager one day each year to celebrate the glory of being a women, those of us fortunate to be in wife-led marriages and female-led relationships celebrate it every day of the year.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps one day the world will give more attention to women as they begin to assume more and more leadership roles. Another consideration is the fact that there are still many women who have never recovered from the age old sexist, patristic conditioning. They believe that marginalization is a way of life and even resist efforts by more assertive women to bring the world into the 21st Century. As new generations of women emerge things will be more promising