Back in the Saddle?

It's hard to believe it's been close to two years since I last posted here. There have been moments during that time when I was tempted to delete this blog, but now I'm rather glad I didn't. A lot of things have changed in my life, and while many of them do not center around FemDom per se, most relate to it in one way or another, even it only indirectly. So I'm thinking that perhaps it's time to start blogging again.


Anonymous said...

Glad you did not delete the blog. Very interesting to me.

My girlfriend and I started about two years ago with LFA. Half a year later her ovaries were removed. After this surgery no sex whatsoever. She lost all her libido. With that also LFA disappeared completely. A sad situation for both of us. We can only hope the drive comes back. In the meantime blogs like yours help me and i am using internet to find solutions for our situation.

I keep on reading!

VeezKnight said...

This often happens to folks in later life when the wife goes through menopause. It can be tough to deal with for both the husband and wife whether vanilla or otherwise.

It's a hormonal thing, or so everyone says, but can also be caused by various drugs. Anti-depressants are notorious libido killers. One hears plenty of horror stories of sexless marriages in which hubby uses it as rationale for cheating, or relegates himself to pleasure being strictly of the self-serve variety.

There is hormone therapy available (HRT), but from what I have read, many women are reluctant to take the hormones. HRT got somewhat of a bad reputation some years ago, being suspected of causing cancer.

Anonymous said...

Great to have you back. Looking to read on your actual thoughts!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I started on our journey of this new life about a year ago. Well we were talking about reconnecting our intimate life a little better about a year ago and slowly started on a bond and relashionship to this life style. We always had an amazing love for eachother but with kids and life things get set aside. That being said from a lot of things that my husband read of yours he felt safe to share with me. I think I was open to his needs but not 100% to this life style. I realized it was because I felt insecure for the first time in my life with my sexual ability. I have always been very open and very creative sexualy and have taken pride in that. It was always me that my girlfriends would come to to ask how they could learn to be more open to better sexual experiences. Looking for a "normal" female woman to tell them that it's ok to be sexually creative and open and that dose not make you slutty or whatever they perceived it to be. Anyways my point of this comment is to say there are a ton of website, bloggs that are full of things that are just to much for me and my wonderful husband will sift through the wreckage to find ones that he knows I will like or can relate to because I do enjoy reading to help me think a little more out of the box. That being said your blogg has single handedly helped me learn the love of this life style. We have so much fun and respect for eachother. We always have but after years of togetherness you sometimes forget how much you really do. Sometimes we will get on our Ipads and each open up your blogg and read your posts...we then realized that you had not posted since 2010...we really worried...we became a little attached....wondering if you and your wife were ok. Seeing that you are posting again and knowing that your are around is comforting...strange I know, but what the heck I like the way you see things!

VeezKnight said...

This afternoon I read your comment to GoddessV as we were taking turns chopping two heads of cabbage while making cole slaw for a New Year's Eve dinner with some family and friends. I have to say, receiving your thoughtful comment perfectly set the stage for what we intend to be our best year together ever.

Thank you so much for your kind words!

Indeed, GoddessV and I are better than ever, especially knowing there are people out there like you and your husband. We both sincerely wish you both all the very best in 2013 and in years to come.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous. Your husband is very lucky. I should know!

Hers4evr40 said...

I just stumbled on your blog. I'm glad to see that you guys are still active with it. It looks like another responsible place that we can share experiences.

My wife and I have been in an acknowledged FLR for a little over a year and I am a semi-frequent poster on SMTR. I have enjoyed your posts there too. My wife and I practiced a lot of the kink that is associated with FLR through our mariage but after I found SMTR I broached the subject of building a more constructive relationship around the female centric aspects of the philosophy. She was very receptive to the proposal but understandably suspicious. Now a little over a year later we are still at it and enjoying the bliss that I know you two are aware.

A comment to one of your posters whose girlfriend had her ovaries removed and with that the LFA disappeared completely or others who have lost libido for other wife went thru menopause as a result of chemotherapy. This occurred many years before our formal FLR agreement. However, we both are realizing the benefits of this kind of relationship and she, despite her libido, clearly knows how to motivate me and keep things moving forward. The special relationship doesn't need to stop. Talk and discuss complementary needs and desires and try to get back on track.

Anonymous said...

my marriage, while i try to get my wife to try orgasm denial, she is not into it, leading me to wish she would embrace something I think is the best idea ever. Bravo for doing this post. I wish more women thought this way. I like the idea of having a dominate female in my life.