One picture is worth a thousand words


This photo apparently is currently circulating throughout email land, and was forwarded to me this morning by a married friend who, while being an "in-charge" kinda guy, has been happily married long enough to know who REALLY leads the relationship. The subject line of the email read: A man's life summed up in one photo!! I got a good laugh when I opened the email and saw the picture. Indeed, it does pretty much say it all. The interesting thing is that most men will look at this picture and smile and pass the email on to a buddy. That's because most guys in their heart of hearts know this to be true. A submissive man knows better than most that it is through our own sexuality that women have the ultimate power to control us. The hell of it is, this is not something that men voluntarily give to women. It was wired into us by Mother Nature, so there must be a damn good reason for it—don't ya think?


Anonymous said...

If she were fully clothes i think it would make a stronger impact.

VeezKnight said...

I didn't take the picture but you are correct in that it might be closer to the point. No doubt the photo was posed and taken by a male, hence the nude woman wearing heels :)

Emma Kelly said...

It does accent your point that a woman can use the sexuality of her body to lead a man. Cool.

Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

Anonymous said...

my wife did that from the beginning of our relationship. wow

Widgets said...

This is the way we keep our boys under control so they learn we do the thinking for the "little head".
Rachel W

Widgets said...

I did not mention that the boy is not entitled to have pubic hair and this should be shaved to show that the only adult in his life is leading him. In our house the boy is kept that way.

Anonymous said...

I think the picture is beautiful on it's face value. That it could be improved is besides the point, Female power. Just a thought from a slave

Anonymous said...

I liked the photo, you didnt even need an IQ to understand it..
also most men do as she says...
Their just afraid to admit it....

Her-doormat said...

Other than being in public, that is me and my Wife. There is a certain pleasure to be had from keeping your FLR private. When out with family or friends it often amuses my Wife to make a comment such as 'These shoes are killing Me. I can't wait to get home, take them off and put My feet up'.
Of course we both know who will be taking Her shoes off (it sure as hell won't be Her!) and exactly where she will be those gorgeous feet!

Anonymous said...

lets face it , from the moment we were born, and prehaps technically the moment of our conception a woman was in charge of us. yes our mothers, then our school teachers were women, our baby sitters were women, our pizza joint servers were women, and who decided how far you went on a date...yes you guyed it ...the woman...every thing depended on how well we pleased them. so live with it, admit it or not it is a woman lead word and men will follow a woman in order to get a hot meal or a hot body because its what we are used to doing. hell we even tip woman better to get better service at the coffee shoppe, so you decide whos in charge???,,,,

oldbear said...

Howdy you all, it looks to me like it is from the OWK, not in "Public".

It is a funny, realisitc, and possibly even a Romantic photo to me.

Thanks, OB

Anonymous said...

Is there a way to get a quality copy of the photo of the woman leading the man? This would be great to frame. It depicts the type of relationship many men have with the woman in their life.

Anonymous said...

This picture shows how dependent we men are like little boys for our wives to validate us as men.